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Over the course of this work, it has been shown that the transfer of the parametric design methods of contemporary architecture offers new problem solving approaches to the field of graphic design. The historical derivation shows the close links between social and economic circumstances and issues of the creative disciplines. For the treatment of current issues, the use of simulations, mathematical algorithms, scientific data, and the parametric exploration of alternative design variants opens up new ways of creative thinking beyond the limits of common graphics software. In particular, the ability to create custom tools, the strong emphasis on conception, and the expansive mixing of diverse data sources is noticeable. Parametric software has been proven especially useful in harnessing different data sources and the easy implementation of one’s own program code. The approach of graphically linking functions or programmed entities to a set of rules may provide simpler access for novices than purely code-based, generative software such as Processing.

However, parametric CAD systems are less suitable for working with typography. They do not provide capabilities beyond mere text generation. Nevertheless, due to its open system an implementation of such features would be possible which could certainly be the subject of further research.